How to Run Effective Remote Board Meetings

08/10/2024 Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ Email Marketing

In a remote environment it is hard to keep everyone involved. Board members who are used to face-to-face meetings might find it difficult to connect with their colleagues and become active participants. There are best practices for running effective virtual meetings.

Make sure that the meeting technology is safe and user-friendly. A clear and well-organized agenda can keep meetings productive. It’s crucial to include board members in the agenda-setting process and to distribute it ahead of time. This can be done through an online portal for board members that allows participants to read the information and add points in the meeting prior to the meeting.

It’s essential that the chair gets everyone back on track when a discussion goes off-topic. It’s also helpful for the chair to call upon attendees who haven’t spoken, so that discussions are well-rounded and not dominated by a few prominent voices. The use of transition slides in conjunction with the consent agenda along with action items and financial statements can be a useful method of facilitating discussion.

Breaks can be added to meetings to increase engagement particularly if they are accompanied by activities that build trust, such as small group discussions and peer mentorship sessions. It is essential to provide feedback, be it anonymous surveys or discussions after meetings. These can be used to assist board members adjust to the virtual format. In order for your remote board to run smoothly, you’ll also require minutes that document the discussion and decisions made during the meeting.

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